Thursday, September 3, 2009

Blog Post 2: Web 2.0 Video

There has been an astounding change with the way we communicate now, and this video really captured the essence of the changes. The purpose of this video was to make the viewers, or audience, more away of the changes that have occurred just by the use of computers. As users, we can now add so much to our papers, projects, blogs, etc. Take this blog for example, because of the internet and computers, we can add videos, pictures, text, the possibilities are virtually endless. As students, we have so many resources available to us through the web and I feel like we take it for granted. We have so many more possibilities and options than our grandparents, and even parents, had. I found it interesting that the video mentioned bold and italics being used, and I am so used ot seeing it in books and writings that to me it seemed like it had always been there. That also goes for a computer, I don't remember life without a computer. That is probably hard for older adults to imagine, since for many a majority of their life was without a computer. I went six years of my life without a computer, and kids younger than me have had computers their whole lives. I liked when the video mentioned "the Web 2.0 linking people", because this is all too true. Social networking is very popular now, and there are very few people that don't belong to a social network. I know ten year olds that have Facebook, and then on the other end, over 50% of social network users are between the ages of 25 and 44. Pretty mindboggling when Facebook specifically was created for college students from Harvard. This video really made me realize how much we have because of Web 2.0.

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