Monday, September 14, 2009

Blog Post #4

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, this song and video were created to make a person stop and think about how far we have come in the past years. Also, using the children, we also need to think about the future. This video tries to portray that all of the changes have been positive and for the better, but Paisley fails to mention what all of the technology and new things do negatively. For example, as a country we were first relied on agriculture and we were very construction oriented. And now, machines have taken man's place so we strive from manufacturing. Just one example of a negative impact this had, was it created a number of people to lose their jobs. I think that this change was inevitable, and as we do need to be optimistic about it, we must also never forget about the hard manual labor the people of this country used to do.

"Welcome to the Future" will inevitably create emotion and stir in many people. I feel like for the most part, it will be positive, but I am sure someone will have something negative to say. Brad Paisley actually wrote the song himself, so he most likely took the audience's feelings into consideration when writing this song. Most people can't write something without thinking what the audience will think about it. Maybe all-in-all, Paisley actually created this song because he wanted emotion from his audience. He probably took into consideration the pathos. In "Compose, Design, Advocate", pathos asks the question "Do you try to evoke emotions and feelings in your audience, or do you try to present arguments unemotionally?" And I think if someone asked Brad Paisley this song, I find it hard to believe he wrote these lyrics so no one would have an emotion towards it. He wrote "So many things I thought I'd never see / Happening right in front of me" and if one was to take these words to heart and consider everything that has happened, they would probably agree with him. Sometimes the world moves so fast and we become accustomed to all of the advances we make, we forget about how it used to be. For me, the final message I got was to be reminiscent on the past, but look to the future.

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