Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog Post #7

I have always been interested in photography, and I love to look at professionally taken photographs. For my major, I have to take a photography class, which I am very excited for. I don't know how good I will be at it, but I am excited to find out. I don't know very much about taking pictures, like the lighting, angles, different lenses, and whatever else photographers use. I have, however, taken a photography class in 4-h when I was probably around nine years old. Of course, we just used our parents' camera's that are nothing compared to what we have today. I remember spending a day taking pictures and how much fun it was. The class taught me beginner things, but I specifically remember my favorite was the trick where someone stand far away and another person is closer to the camera and the closer person sticks up their palm and it looks like a tiny person in a giant's hand. Sadly, my film got lost somewhere so I never got to see the pictures I took.

Like I said, I really don't know too much about taking pictures, but I do love to look at them and evaluate pictures. I particularly like black-and-white photographs or antique looking photographs. I love photos where I feel like I am in the scene, or pictures that evoke an emotion. I am not too fond over abstract photographs. I usually just don't/can't understand them and I tend to get really frustrated, and never really know what to say about them. With abstract, it usually has to be explain to me, but with photographs that I can make out everything I usually would rather not know the story behind them, and just let me think of my own.

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