Saturday, October 3, 2009

Statement of Purpose

When creating a statement of purpose there are a lot of things to take into consideration. First, I will take into consideration the reason or more specific purpose for my writing. With my picture, I would like to use comparison to take my paper to the next level. I want to look at the leisure activities used in 1940 and now. It has been almost 50 years and the American leisure activities remain the same as they always have. It is one of the great things that make America what it is today. We enjoy the simple things in life, always have and always will. I really want to highlight that in my project, and bring it into a positive light that maybe Wentzel was trying to demonstrate.

Next, I must think about the audience. We would not write if we didn't have an audience, whether it’s ourselves as writers or others reading our writing. So, taking into consideration the audience is an essential part of writing. With the audience for my first writing project, my audience is first my teacher and classmates, and expanding on that, it goes clear out to any person on cyberspace that happens to read my blog. My primary audience is the people in my class, though, so when writing this I will put my class's demographics first. I will use language that suits my class, along with hyperlinks and pictures to better aid to my project and to my class. When it comes to my secondary audience, or the people in cyberspace, I am not sure they will be as able to relate to my photograph or paper. I assume most, if not all, my classmates have experienced fishing and how serene and calm it is, but this may not be the case for people who are not from rural areas like this, or even from America. I know in other countries, the freedom to do as one pleases is limited, so I hope that they will relate not on fishing terms, but maybe another form of leisure for them. Also, my project might help my secondary audience see what it is like to live in a place like America.

The last thing to consider is the context. I can't exactly control the context in which my paper will be read, but if I think about when it could happen then it could help my project. I would guess most people will read it in their free time. My class should be relaxed because they took the time to sit down and read it, but they could also read it because they are bored, so my hope is my piece will not make them more bored. Most will probably have interference or distractions, because it is normal to have that happen with homework. I really hope the audience's context will aid in the purpose of my project.

All-in-all my statement of purpose is to help my audience understand and contemplate the leisure and activities that Americans have the freedom of doing. My hope is the comfortable, relaxing environment my primary audience is in will assist in my point and will realize how lucky one is to have the free time to do as one pleases. Along with this, I would like to incorporate some of the past blog posts into my project. Such as, the history and rhetorical analysis on my photograph. I think incorporating these things will also help to support my main point. When one is finished reading my paper, I wish he/she will understand and relate to where I am coming from. I hope the thought of freedom in America will resound in one's heart.

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